Teacher's Diary

TEACHER’S DIARY ( Pedagogical Planner)


Pedagogical plans are VISION to ACTION plans. For the teachers, a Pedagogical Plan means converting his/her vision of the teaching-learning
process in his/ her classroom to action. • Pedagogical Plans imbibe all thinking, preparation and steps of execution involved in making each stage of curriculum transaction (setting learning objectives, preparing lesson plans, transaction, assessment, identifying outcomes of learning of each student through assessment) meaningful and comprehensible for students.
These plans are the systematic plans prepared by a teacher for fruitfully engaging students in the classroom
CBSE made it compulsory for the schools to prepare Pedagoical planner.
We provide Pedagogical planner which helps teachers to prepare it in professional way.

  • Year Plan
  • Weekly Lesson Plan with innovative pedagogy
  • Feedback & Remediation plan
  • Competencies to be focused
  • Experiential Learning Activities
  • Art integration Plan
  • Result Analysis

One copy for each teacher. Useful for Class I-XII   VIEW SAMPLE PAGES