

I keep getting a lot of queries on this,here are some answers I am posting for everyone’s benefit.

NO You can only apply for affiliation once you have started the institute. The affiliation asks for a lot of information regarding the students’ strength teachers etc which can only be filled once you start the school.

Off all the members in a society majority i.e more than 50% cannot be related by blood. Also while declaring the members of the society in the affidavit the Chairman will have to declare the relationship among the members who all are related by blood line.

The law clearly states that the school should have Proof regarding possession of 2 acres of land (pg 60 of bye laws). Hence the school can run in a rented building but the land on which the building is built should be owned or leased to the society. Society can lease the land to a company which can then construct the building and can charge the society a rent on its investments.

Yes you have to procure State Board Affiliation post that only you can go for CBSE Affiliation.

I believe this is the list in case they need more information you can always ask for more time.

Don’t worry about it. Salary is a subjective topic and can vary from city to city within the same state. It all depends upon the cost of living in that particular area. Don’t worry about low salaries. You just have to be fair in showing that what you have specified in the offer letter is what is going in the bank account and the same is getting signed by the employee.

Get a photocopy attested by the bank that this is a true copy of the documents pledged with them. Get the bank manager sign on the photocopy.

It takes about 4 months from submission to inspection and the team spends about 4 to 5 hours.

2 Acres of land at the market price plus cost of construction at about 1200 to 1400 Rs per square feet.

This is a very general trend across societies though advisable is very few members should be related to each other