CBSE Affiliation

Land Requirement for a CBSE School in india

S.no Location of School land Requirement
(Minimum)(sq meters)
Anywhere in India
In Municipal limits of cities with the population
(Exceeding 15 Lakhs)
In Hilly areas prescribed by the planning commissions
(NITI Aayog)
In Municipal limits of the state capital cities
(NITI Aayog)
In the North Eastern States
(NITI Aayog)
In the State of Jammu and Kashmir
(NITI Aayog)
In Municipal Limits of Ghaziabad, NOIDA, Faridabad
& Gurugram cities(NITI Aayog)
In Municipal Limits of Panchkula and Mohali/SAS nagae
(NITI Aayog)
(For the Secondary Level)
In the Municipal Limits class-X cities(Ahemdabed,
Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Pune)or on the Hill Stations
(For the senior Secondary Level)
In the Municipal Limits class-X cities(Ahemdabed,
Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Pune)or on the Hill Stations
(For the Secondary Level)
In the Municipal Limits of Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata,
Mumbai Or the state of Arunachal Pradesh
or the state of Sikkim or the islands
(For the Senior Secondary Level)
In the Municipal Limits of Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata,
Mumbai Or the state of Arunachal Pradesh
or the state of Sikkim or the islands
Union Territories

CBSE Affiliation timeline

Category of application Timeline for each calendar year
Fresh Affiliation & Up-gradation of Affiliation
  • Schools can Apply during the Three Windows
  • Windows No.1: 1st March - 31st March
  • Windows No.2: 1st June - 30th june
  • Windows No.3: 1st September - 30th September
Extension of Affiliation

Single Window: 1st March - 31st May

  • Additional Subject
  • Section Increase
  • Change of the names of the school
  • Change of the Society/Trust/Section-8 Company of the School

Opens on 1st March and shall be open THROUGHOUT the Year

  • Special Provision under Chapter 15 of the CBSE
  • Affiliation Byelaws 2018
  • School in Two Shifts
  • Shifting of School from one campus to the other
  • Restoration of Affiliation
  • Closure of the School
  • Starting Class I if the School is only affiliated from Middle Class and onwards

Opens on 1st March and shall be open THROUGHOUT the Year

Documents Required

Step -1


Step 1 – The School before getting into the online form filling, should be ready with the followings:

  1. Digital Signature – to authorise your final submission. The Chairman/Member/Trustee/Director or any representative can use its digitalsignatures. How to get Digital Signature
  1. No Objection Certificate – its a certificate issued by the State Education Department(Secretarial) to the effect that State Government has no Objection to the affiliation of the school with CBSE. For a brief period of time this certificate was revoked by the CBSE but in December 2016, it has again made the entry. I Have detailed it in a seperate post.
  2. The School Basically have to write an application to the State Education Secretary office(located in the state’s capital) and ask for NOC so that the state allows a school to follow CBSE. This can be simple application where a copy of the application goes to local DEO office.

2.If NOC/Recognition certificate is in Vernacular language, then the school must upload its duty notarized transalted copy in English/Hindi along with the signed copy of NOC/Recognition Certificatein Vernacular language.Kindly note, there is specific department in the state government responsible for transaction.

2. School Recognition Certificate  from concerned State Education Department as per extant rules and provisions in RTE Act 2009. This is also called Affiliation Certificate by the State Board.

3. Land Certificate as per the Appendix X of the Affiliation bye-laws : The Competent Authority to issue the land certificate is DM/ADM/SDM/Tehsildar/Register/Sub Register or any other equivalent authority competent to issue such Certificate.Download the format here.

4. Fire safety Certificate to be issued by the Fire Safety Department of the State Govt/Competent Govt.Authority such as Municipal Corporation etc. as per Prescribed norms with Validity(validity as on date of final submission of application).

5. Building Safety Certificate  To be issued by competent government authority or the empanelled engineers authorised to issue such certificate by the appropriate Government. Fore.g Empanelled engineer by Municipal Corporation /Development Authorities(PWD)/Roads/Building Department etc.

6. Certificate of Registration of Society /Trust/ Section 8 Company Running the school.

7. Get your school Website Ready with the information as per the CBSE requirement. Check the requirements here. The website should have the curriculam details, TC sample, Normsa for fixing Fee, Affiliation Status, Students Details, Address, List of books prescribed along with undertakeing by the principal, Annual Report, School Circulars, Fee Details, Details of Teachers Training, Academic Achievements, sel Affidavit of the School( this usually is getting made on 100 rs Stamp Paper. Here is a Sample for your Perusal)

8. Information about UDISE Code.

9. Scanned copies of audited Balance Sheet

10. Video Clips & Geo Tagged Photos.

11. Transport Safety Certificate

12. soft copy/Scanned Copy of Academic Calender.

Documents Required

Step -2

Step No.2: Start Filling the Online form

1. KYC Form 

2. Initial Part Payment of Rs 10,000

3. PART A – Input the information of the 6 forms Listed above

4. After Submitting all the information as per Part A of the application, School will have an option to generate System generated self-certification or System Generated DEO Certificate on the basis of data filled in PART A,In Case the school opts for Self-Certification, the school is required to upload the same with digital signature of the school. However, in case school opts for DEO certificate,the school is reuired to get the DEO Certificate duly signed by DEO/ DIOS/Any other officer authorized by State/UT Education Department and upload the signed copy of DEO certificate with digital signature of the school.The Registration of the school once completed after filling part A shall be valid till last date of submission of application for the respective session.(i.e. for the session 2022-23, registration of the school shall be valid till 31st October, 2021). If the school fails to submit part B by the last date of submission of application for the respective session, then the registration shall automatically be termed as invalid and the registration fee, if any, shall be for feited.

5. Part B- Upload the 6 Documents and input all the other basic details and other information

6. Make the Part and Final Payment.

Documents Required

Step -3

Step 3 – Within 15 Days of Submission of Online Application Inspection Commitee will be formed

The Physical Inspection of the School has to happen within 22Days of the Constitution of Inspection Commitee.

Along with the inspection committee letter, the Board shall give three dates of inspection. Inspection can be conducted on any of these three dates as mutually decided by the Inspection Comittee and the School. Without wasting any time, get in touch with them and arrange for them to come. Mostly one of them would be a Central School(Kendriya Vidyalay) Principal and the other one an experienced hand from any aided or un-aided school.

In case, the inspection commitee is ready and the school intentionally fails is to get the inspection done on the stipulated dates and timespan(expect for the reasons beyond control), the school will be penalized with a monetary penalty of Rs.25000 and fresh schedule shall be communicated. The school shall get another opportunity, however the application shall be rejected if the school fails to get the inspection done after three opportunities.

Documents Required

Step -4

Step 4- Prepare a file

Following is the list of documents one should have for CBSE affiliation File – Details of Annexure

1.Society Details

2. Constitution of the Society & Society Bye-Laws

3. Registration Certificate of the society

4. School Management Committee List(to Know more about this read my post)

5. Statement of Income & Expenditure Audited Account

6. Balance Sheet of last two or three Years

7. Bank Certificate- Mentioning this – in case you have to take some project loan from a certain bank.

8. Satff Particulars

9. Service Agreement with Employees

10. Principal Particulars – Professional Resume.

11. Staff Salary Statement – Salary should br paid through Electronic Clearing Service(ECS)

12. Letter to the bank regarding Staff Salary remittance.

13. Copy of the A/C Payee Cheque meant for staff salary.

14. Reserve Fund(This is a Draft which one has to make aslaid down in the bye-laws)

15. Infrastructure Details

16. Land Records Certificate of Land.

17. Supporting Documents by Tehsildar & patwari – This in case the school is out of Municipality bounds.

18. Approved Map and Building Layout – from the relevant Town and Country Planning Authority.

19. School Building Room particulars School Building- List of all the rooms along with the size and details.

20. School Building and facilities Photographs.

21. Physical Health Education & Recreation Facility Details.

22. Laboratory Details

23. Library Facilities & Details

24. Librarian Details – CV/ Resume of the Librarian

25. State Govt Related Documents

26. State Board Affiliation Certificate & NOC from the state(Intimation will do, for more info read here)

27. Student Details

28. Student’s Details Record of internal Assessment(class wise)

29. Fee Structure (Kindly refer to this circular from CBSE while finalizing the FEE structure)

30. School Time Table

31. School Prospectus

32. Certificate of Fire Safety & Sanitary Conditions.

33. Provision of Medical Check Up

34. Undertaking by Manager Regarding the admission only up till class VIII- This basically says the school is not admitting students in classes for which they do not have permission.

35. Details of Training Modules conducted for teachers.

36. Building Safety Certificate

37. Transport Fitness Certificate

38. School Conveyance Facility Details – If School is providing Conveyance to students

39. Optional – This is in case you want to make a stronger case

  1. CBSE Online Submitted Application
  2. Copy of the Submitted Bank draft
  3. Letter of inspection from CBSE
  4. Financial Projections
  5. Land Documents – Photocopy
  6. Admission Announcements

40. Annexure II

Videography Details During CBSE Inspection 

The School has to arrange for a videographer on the date of inspection. Here is a Guideline issued by the CBSE for Videography:

For Boundary, Main Gate, Parking and other open Area the person with videography skills should ensure wide angle coverage of video.

For laboratory the videographer should ensure wide angle coverage of video while entering the lab, Thereafter the person with videography skills should cover all equipments and other facilities in the lab. During this the concerned subject Teacher should be also be available in the lab to response to the queries of IC members and show the stock register.

For  Library the videographer should ensure wide angle coverage of video while entering the library. Thereafter the videographer should cover all bookshelves, magazines & periodicals, reading area, and other facilities such as computers with internet connectivity in the library . During this the librarian should also be available in the library to respond to the queries of IC Members and show the catalogue, accession and issue register.

For Toilets Wide angle Coverege of video including WCs and Basins.

Class Rooms : Occupied and vacant the videographer should ensure wide angle coverage of video while entering the rooms, thereafter, the videographer should cover all fixtures, furniture and other facilities in the rooms.

Other Rooms such as Staff rooms, Music rooms etc. The videographer should ensure wide angle coverage of video while entering the rooms. Thereafter the videographer should cover all fixtures, furniture and other facilities in the rooms.

S.no location/activity to be covered recommended time duration in minutes
Main Gate with school name Display boards- boundary wall of school on all sides , parking and other open area including assembly area
up to 20 Minutes
Playground with outdoor sports facilities
up to 10 Minutes
Wide angle coverage of video
All Laboratories (science subjects, computer etc.)including stock register and practical files if any
up to 10 Minutes
each for all labs
up to 10 Minutes
up to 10 Minutes
each for boys and girls
Drinking water arrangement
up to 5 Minutes
Fire safety equipment
up to 10 Minutes
Class rooms : occupied and vacant
up to 20 Minutes in total for each standard
(primary, Middle, Secondary & sr. Secondary)
Other Rooms such as Indoor Games facility, auditorium, activity rooms, wellness rooms etc.
up to 20 Minutes

Document verification:

  • NOC
  • recognition certificate for running classes 1st to 8th
  • society registration certificate
  • Land certificate
  • Fire Safety
  • Building Safety
  • safe drinking water
  • system generated self certification by principal & Manager and duty counter signed by authorized signatory or System Generated certificate by District Education officer
up to 1 Hour
Faculty interaction /class room interaction
10 - 15 Minutes
Filling of IC report
2 Hours

Grant of Affiliation

Once the inspection is done and the inspection report is submitted during the inspection, the board will grant the affiliation within 30 days of submission of inspection report. if there are any deficiency pointed out, the school has to replay within 15 days of the letter



I keep getting a lot of queries on this,here are some answers I am posting for everyone’s benefit.

NO You can only apply for affiliation once you have started the institute. The affiliation asks for a lot of information regarding the students’ strength teachers etc which can only be filled once you start the school.

Off all the members in a society majority i.e more than 50% cannot be related by blood. Also while declaring the members of the society in the affidavit the Chairman will have to declare the relationship among the members who all are related by blood line.

The law clearly states that the school should have Proof regarding possession of 2 acres of land (pg 60 of bye laws). Hence the school can run in a rented building but the land on which the building is built should be owned or leased to the society. Society can lease the land to a company which can then construct the building and can charge the society a rent on its investments.

Yes you have to procure State Board Affiliation post that only you can go for CBSE Affiliation.

I believe this is the list in case they need more information you can always ask for more time.

Don’t worry about it. Salary is a subjective topic and can vary from city to city within the same state. It all depends upon the cost of living in that particular area. Don’t worry about low salaries. You just have to be fair in showing that what you have specified in the offer letter is what is going in the bank account and the same is getting signed by the employee.

Get a photocopy attested by the bank that this is a true copy of the documents pledged with them. Get the bank manager sign on the photocopy.

It takes about 4 months from submission to inspection and the team spends about 4 to 5 hours.

2 Acres of land at the market price plus cost of construction at about 1200 to 1400 Rs per square feet.

This is a very general trend across societies though advisable is very few members should be related to each other